Friday, September 05, 2008

Bitch Be OUT!!

Wednesday was an amazing day! Probably the best one in awhile, actually.
I had my interview for my new job. I felt it went extremely well, and I must say that I was sure that I had it.
So I quit my job.
Since I was in a horrible mood anyways, I figured that I would just quit. I knew if I didn't do it spontaneously (like most of my large decisions) it wouldn't happen. So after my first break, I sat down at my coach's desk, and told her I quit, I couldn't take it anymore, goddammit.
I could've been more dramatic about it, but then again, both avenues give me the same freedom, so why worry about it.
So I'm out. No more cell phone talk for me. If someone asks me about their bill, I'll seriously find a grapefruit spoon to stab your jugular with.
On Thursday I got the call that I officially got the job, which saves me from having to say that my awesome plan backfired and I didn't get the job, etc etc. I start in a week or so, I get to enjoy a little vacation right before my birthday weekend. It's an amazing time.

It's funny... You know it's a horrible place to work when you leave and people are like 'I'm so jealous! Congratulations! That's awesome!' bwhahaha.
I'm excited for this new job. We'll see how it goes.

OH! And 2009 is going to be Steven's Bear Run year. I'm planning on going to Phurfest AND Spring Thaw so far, but we'll see if anything else comes up. Sweeeeet.
Oh, bear runs. *le sigh*