Monday, November 24, 2008

"It's ok, as long as it doesn't touch me..."

Who's ready for 2009? Steven is.

I was hoping to come back to my cozy little blog with something to rant about. Or at least write a few paragraphs about how seeing Sarah Pallin cry filled the emptiness I've had inside for years. Unfortunately, because of the events in the last couple months, I have little more emotional strength than for self pity, at this point. Pathetic, I know. I figure that since I don't bith about it on a day to day basis I should at least blog about it.

Getting a new job was amazing a few months ago. It freed me from the tyranny of working for a massive corporation, and it came at the perfect time. However, due to the economic downturn, I'm guessing at this point it wasn't everything that I thought it would be. Amazing job, amazing pay, amazing hours, but it's gone. My company is choosing to downsize next month, and I'll be jobless right before Christmas. Merry Christmas, Steven. Try finding a job around this time of year that isn't retail or seasonal. See how ya do.
This was the perfect one month anniversary from having to break my ex's nose and walk around downtown Seattle, stranded for hours with blood down my shirt until I could get a bus to come back up north. Gotta love the fact he hid my keys.
The dent caused by his face is going to make it harder to get rid of my car, which (since it was purchased with my ex partner and I) I'm finding it nearly impossible to care for by myself.
Mix that with stress about housing, moving, actually seeing my Dad's side of the family (shocking, I know) for the holidays, and the usual financial struggle, and you can understand why I'm not really feeling this holiday season this year. Funny, nothing in the past has caused me to feel discouraged around this time of year, but this little cocktail I have going on is not helping in the slightest.

One day I'll look back and go "ya, that was a bad time but I learned _____ and how to ________ and I got _____ out of it." Right now it hurts. And it's hard. I can't quit, so I guess it's good that I'm no quitter.

Starting the year off by seeing Adele in January, bear runs, pride, UK 09, and the holidays next year are going to make up the horrid, painfully long year 08 has been.
Thumbs up, I suppose.