Monday, August 18, 2008

...all while my cat licks herself.

I went to bed last night feeling socially accomplished. I'm proud of myself, really. Over the past week, I've managed to dig myself out of the socially primordial soup that had me swept in it's current.
I've already seen so many people I care about and met new ones that will be amazing to get to know. It's easy to forget, I suppose, how much I loved meeting new people. Meeting new people, to me, is like beginning a new adventure. Or, if you will, a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' novella (I swear they're novellas). Truly amazing, it is, and I'm exciting to be able to get to know new people... and reconnect with old ones. For example, the Regs. It's going to be amazing connecting with everyone that I used to be so close with, but at the same time, it's like nothings ever changed.

I love everyone.

...Oh, and during the entirety of this blog being created, my cat was sitting on my lap licking herself.

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