Monday, August 11, 2008

Penning a New Chapter. Sooner Than I Thought.

It's really funny how different people react differently to the same situation. Well, I guess it's expected, but it's still strange. For some people, they process information as they go along and digest their surroundings at that specific moment. Apparently I'm broken, for this is not at all what I've found that I do.

I was laying on my bed listening to Adele again (which was not a good idea) last night, and for some bizzare reason, everything that's been thrown at me this past week/2weeks finally ran into my face.

Single. I'm single. I'm alone. There was nobody laying there with me last night. It was quiet, only the harmonics of the lovely Ms. Adkins and the kitty's obsessive nagging to keep me company. I suposse I've just been numb to the whole situation for the past few days. It' hard adjusting. I always welcome change, but adjusting is change's no-as-fun cousin. I love that man, but it really is one of those tragic situations where it really is in our best benefit to not be together (for the time being, at least). I am, however, nervous to try this whole 'casual dating' thing I keep hearing about. My brain has always been wired for a long term situation with someone, so I imagine that there's going to be a lot less stress and...complication about the whole thing. I imagine. I don't know this to be true, but one can only assume.

The living situation is changing as well. Which is for the best, that's true. Why would I want to be trapped in the place where I shared so many memories with someone that's no longer an active part of my life? A fresh start at it's best is what I'm going for, and what better way to do it? At least I'll have a best friend as a support system right down the hallway if I want to. Rocky road party, anyone?

And then there's school. Oh, my bittersweet relationship with school. I can either hold off for the time being, or talk to my father to help fund this endevor. Hmm. Not persue my passion or talk to someone that I haven't talked to in almost 2 years to ask for financial help. He'll probably just condemn me to hell once again. Eh. What's the worst that can I happen, I suppose.

It'll be interesting what happens in the next month. I'm just hoping that I don't lose all my hair by then. Sometimes I feel like my hair is all that I have...

...that and Darren Hayes, of course. *le sigh* Sing to me, Darren! Sing to me! OH GOD!

1 comment:

Haylee Joel said...

It's funny when it all hits you at once, huh? And you're right.. you'll have a friend right down the hall to cry and drip snot all over.
