Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Ever Debatable Subject of Ms. Katy Perry

Oh, Katy Perry.

I remember when I first heard 'I Kissed a Girl' on the radio. In awe, I thought it was so awesome that a young, hip dyke finally made it on the music scene, exposed to the masses. You can imagine my dissapointment when I learned that she is, in fact, straight. Seriously, not even bi? Come one.

The fact that the is in part exploiting a certain niche' in order to gain popularity (remember JC Chasez' 2004 release 'Some Girls Dance With Women'? Didn't think so. But same thing) is kind of discouraging.

We don't deserve rights, but we MAKE ONE HELL OF A POP SONG!

The sad thing is that she probably only co-wrote the song, if that. Sure, it'll get her short term success, but how can she expect to gain long term success with what little talent she has? She's just gonna end up on VH1's 'Greatest One Hit Wonders of the New Millenium' or something.

PS: She's very much like a knock off Lady GaGa (who is, by the way, performing at a gay club in Seattle in about a week).

On the other hand, however, the fact that a 'gay themed' song can get so popular and pretty much start someone's carreer is rather amazing. Imagine a song like that being released 10yrs ago and you'd get hardly the same response. Well, wait, that was the time of Lilithfair, so nevermind. 20 years ago!

...then there was Culture club. Nevermind again. Ok, 50 years ago. Yes, 50 years ago and she would not have done so well (I'm just realizing how gay the last 20years have been).

Even if 'I Kissed a Girl' is somewhat defendable, the next single off of her album 'Ur So Gay,' isnt. To be honest, I'm kind of pissed about this song, and her lable would be smart to push her to release something else. Here's the opening verse/chorus of the song:

[Verse 1]I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf
While jacking off listening to MozartYou bitch and moan about LA
Wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway
You don’t eat meatAnd drive electrical cars
You’re so indie rock it’s almost an art
You need SPF 45 just to stay alive

[CHORUS]You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like No you don’t even like boys
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boysNo you don’t even like
No you don’t even like No you don’t even like…

Seriously, really? Is that neccessary? Thanks for throwing us back in the circle of streotypes, ya chubby bitch. The rest of the song follows the same pattern, pretty much just throwing more 'gay remarks' at her interesting boy she's interested in.

I'm so over it.

You know who's a good artist that I'm really likin right about now? Justin Nozuka. He's a good guy. The new Jack Johnson (with more heart included), I always say. Listen to his first single, 'After Tonight,' and you'll fall in love. Make sure to listen to 'Golden Train' and 'Mr. Therepy Man.'

I just feel like original, mainstream artists are so hard to find nowadays. Which kinda just tells you just how dumbed down our generation is, especially the generations after us.

I mean, sure, I like some mainstream artists, just because I do get in the mood to listen to mindless music that will drop my IQ down by a few points, but I'm 'open,' and that's important. Not very many young people are nowadays (and that statement just made me feel really old, goddammit.)

Hopefully someone will break out that's hip, cool, AND socially aware... dare we ask for more? *le sigh*


Anonymous said...
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Haylee Joel said...

I totally wrote a blog about her, too! Ha. I agree with you 100% about her; I think she's really relishing in the success that exploiting the gay culture brings. Like you said, it's not a novel concept. It's been done before (Tatu, anyone?). But I sure as HELL won't respect her as an artist anytime soon.